Final Dissemination Event_IPER Project

Final Dissemination Event_IPER Project

This week, on 15 july, has been held the Final Dissemination Event of IPER Project! CCIS Madrid, PREDIF, Hollókő, az élő falu Camera di Commercio Italiana per il Portogallo Blended Training Services Università dei Sapori The Chocolate Way presented the project’s...
IPER e-learning pilot

IPER e-learning pilot

On the last 14th june, CCIS Madrid and PREDIF held an info session at national level to give instructions to pilot users to access the new IPER e-learning platform and present the course. Professionals from the tourism and cultural sector took part, among them there...
IPER consortium meeting

IPER consortium meeting

Last 9th june the IPER consortium met in an online meeting to define the last details about the e-learning course to promote the EU cultural heritage using ICT exploiting the principles of accessible tourism! The info sessions will be conducted at national level and...
Serious Game by Blended Training Services

Serious Game by Blended Training Services

On the 18th february, the IPER project’s partners met in a virtual meeting. On this occasion, Blended Training Services presented a draft version of the Serious Game that will be part of the OER training materials addressing ICT and Accessible Tourism for...
ICT to Promote Cultural Heritage

ICT to Promote Cultural Heritage

The project aims to exploit nano-learning methodology, (a Nano Learning program is a tutorial program designed to permit a participant to learn a given subject in a ten-minute time frame through the use of electronic media and without interaction with a real time...