The Project
IPER project

Direct target group:
According to ESCO profiles, the project considered these professionals: Gallery, museum and library technicians, Artistic, cultural and culinary associate professionals, Sports, recreation and cultural center managers, Arts education officer, Cultural facilities manager, Cultural policy officer.
Furthermore, the project seeks to reach broad recognition and raise awareness among the following target groups:
– Tourists with limited access to cultural heritage; due to physical disabilities, such us blind people or with reduced mobility, or other limitations, such as families with children;
– Vocational education and training providers;
– Public authorities at European, national and local level;
– SME organizations;
– The general public.

- State of the Art on promotion of cultural heritage and use of digital tools according to accessible tourism principles
- Case Studies
- Complementary Open Educational Resources and Training Platform
Project No: 2018-1-ES01-KA202-050246