- One local public body: Municipality of Hollókö (Hungary).
- One association representing the interests and needs of disabled people: Plataforma Representativa Estatal de Discapacitados Físicos – PREDIF (Spain).
- One representative in the field of training and learning strategies’ development for companies: Blended Training Services – BTS (Portugal).
- One public-private consortium and representative in the field of long life learning in food sectors: Università dei Sapori (Italy).
- One European network and sector representative in the field of historical and cultural heritage linked to food: The Chocolate Way (Italy).
- Two Chambers of Commerce: Cámara de Comercio e Industria Italiana para España – CCIS (Spain) and Camera di Commercio Italiana per il Potogallo – CCIP (Portugal).
- Spain
Other countries:
- Portugal
- Italy
- Hungary

Italian Chamber of Commerce in Spain (CCIS)
The Italian Chamber of Commerce for Spain in Madrid (CCIS) is a Spanish private and no-profit association which promotes the bilateral relationships between Italian and Spanish countries. With 12 permanent staff, CCIS is specialized in several fields that boost the spirit of entrepreneurship. Active since 1914 throughout the Spanish territory, CCIS has its headquarters in Madrid, with delegations in Valencia, Vigo and Seville, and with territorial representations in Burgos, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, La Coruña and Oviedo. CCIS has also been officially recognized by the Italian government since 1970.
CCIS is member of Assocamerestero, a network of 78 Italian Chambers situated in 54 countries all over the world which includes 18,000 members and 300,000 affiliates, with 140 assistance points.
In managing mobility, CCIS has a great experience; in 2017 it was prized by Eramus + Spanish Agency and by Spanish Ministry of Education for the quality in the implementation of a KA1VET STUDENTS
CCIS promotes and supports the different phases of the internationalization process and business start-ups, by providing commercial assistance to enterprises, mainly Spanish and Italian ones, through its large international networks. The aim is to support the internationalization and the business in general, thanks to different tools such as mentoring and innovation. CCIS enhances education and training and supports youth’s initiatives related to entrepreneurship too.
- Sustainable business development
- Social entrepreneurship
- Tourism and culture
- Traditional agrifood products
- Craft products and manufacturing activities
- Innovation technology
- Women
- Advanced manufacturing
In order to reach such objectives, CCIS develops services, actions, events and projects focused on SME’s support, as a business incubator and as the main contractor or partner.
Moreover, CCIS participates in several European projects, having within its institutional organization a department specialized in European Projects supported by the departments responsible for the projects execution. The staff responsible for carrying out the projects execution has experience in the management of human resources, time, communication tools and networks. CCIS has experience in managing VET mobility for staff and trainers, both as coordinator and as partner. CCIS coordinated KA1VET mobility for Spanish students in mechatronics, manufacturing in general and a KA1VET for Spanish staff in mechatronics. CCIS trains each year more than 500 learners through non-formal and informal activities of vocational education and training.

PREDIF – Plataforma Representativa Estatal de Personas con Discapacidad Física
PREDIF, the State Representative Platform for People with Physical Disabilities, is a state-owned non-profit organization, declared a public utility, representing and promoting actions in favor of almost 100,000 people with physical disabilities.
It has an experience of more than 30 years through its member federations ASPAYM, COAMIFICOA and ECOM, and the seven regional PREDIF, PREDIF Asturias, PREDIF Baleares, PREDIF Galicia, PREDIF Castilla y León, CODISA-PREDIF Andalusia, PREDIF Region of Murcia and PREDIF Comunidad Valenciana.
PREDIF was declared of public utility in 2003.

Camera di Commercio Italiana per il Portogallo
The Italian Chamber of Commerce in Portugal has an institutional opportunity to promote the development of trade and the alliance between Portugal and Italy.
For this purpose, the Chamber for the situation of economic passengers (partners (1) or not) the following services:
Information services:
- about business opportunities by industry / market
- on other national and Italian companies
- customs procedures, standards and regulations
- about international public objects
- on financial instruments for an internationalization
- country / market studies
Support Services:
- oriented search of business listings extracted from the “database”
- search of business partners and joint ventures
- support and follow up on the signing of agreements
- support and monitoring of technology transfer and licensing
- assistance for the protection of patents and trademarks
- consultancy for the group of companies, opening of branches, delegations, etc.
- credit recovery
- friendly composition of litigation
- issuance of accreditation letters with third
- Direct marketing
- assistance with a product presentation / display
- organization and / or follow-up of missions and bilateral meetings
- participation in fairs
- organization of exhibitions
- legal assistance
- market research on demand
- mail-out activity
- translation and interpretation
The Chamber is responsible for:
a) edit and disseminate periodical leaflets
b) to carry out training activities:
- Italian language courses
- specialized courses (2)
c) Initiatives to promote investments (Portugal)
d) organize seminars, conferences,
e) collaborate:
- with organizers of Italian and local trade fairs
- with entities of the “Italian Unioncamere system”
- with associations
- with public institutions, local entities, etc.

Università dei Sapori
Leads actions of support and consultancy for companies and start-ups companies in the food sector in the organization of the sales point and in the management of communication of their activities. Moreover Università dei Sapori is a center of excellent training: for orientation, training and job placement of unemployed / unemployed and for adult training, training and orientation courses in the catering and food distribution sectors aimed at children up to 18 years of age for the fulfillment of the right to education and training, vocational courses, with qualification release and aimed at job placement for the professions of chef, cook assistant, pastry chef, Gelato maker, Pizza maker, Barman, Chocolate maker.
Università dei Sapori collaborates with the Università per Stranieri for the proposal of a degree course in Made in Italy, Food and Hospitality.
The UDS training methodology provides significant practical bases and a philosophy of promotion and enhancement of the best raw materials in the area. At international level UDS participates in numerous projects promoting the exchange of good practices and methodological training transfer in the food sector.
Università dei Sapori is an expression of the National Trade Confederation, which allows it to be strongly connected to the new market needs that come both from the Catering, Hospitality (tourism), Distribution and Commercio sectors, especially in the development of highly innovative training modules.
In addition to the prestigious headquarters of Perugia located in Umbria in central Italy now Università dei Sapori It has opened the new headquarters of Broni in Lombardy 54 km from Milan located in a historic farmhouse of the 1700s.

The Chocolate Way
The Association was born on 2013 and itis the first international chocolate network celebrating the culture, tradition and history of chocolate historical districts at a European level. It works to support ethical practices in the supply chain of chocolate, from the production of cacao, through to the chocolate-eating consumer. The Chocolate Way promotes an understanding of the culture, history and value of this ancient nutritious food and encourages the production of high quality products that respect these values.
The Association involves, and keep involving, in its network and initiatives: local enterprises, chambers of commerce, institutions, municipalities, scientific and education partners, associations and organizations, chocolate exhibitions, chocolatiers, museums to share the European historical and cultural heritage in cacao & chocolate.
The Chocolate Way, used as an educational and tourist tool, shows the journey from where cocoa originated in South America to every corner of Europe, where it is enjoyed by young and old in many forms. Chocolate links intangible heritage with a very tangible product and the story of chocolates’ creation, uses, evolution and tradition illuminates European history in an interesting way. TCW is therefore illustrative of European memory, history and heritage.

Municipality of Hollókő

BTS – Blended Training Services
With BTS your staff and your business find an specialised team in learning methodologies.
We act at the level of pedagogical design and support, measurement, assessment and learning transfer. We make learning and skills development seem easy, practical and easy to implement so that the organizations we work with believe and implement a culture of learning organization. We see skills development as something in permanent mutation and therefore to be adapted to new generations and technologies. We have platforms that allow our customers to manage and handling autonomously their learning initiatives whether blended or e-learning.
We offer a mix of different combined learning methods to accomplish our customer’s development goals to:
- Create more impact in your business.
- Create learning curriculum according to your team experience levels.
- Implement solutions based on research and proved results.
- Operationalize mutual processes and language in all organization.
- Adopt an approach that promotes a learning environment.
- Create the right combination between contents and technology.
BTS is certified by the official entity in Portugal that legislates the training activity locally – DSQA by DGERT (Direção-Geral do Emprego e das Relações de Trabalho)